When Life Hands You Lemons Make Lemon-aide




Are you too busy to read an entire novel to get help? If so, this Activity Guide is the perfect solution!
As you view each activity, you will learn about a skill, complete the activity, and then use it in your life. The reader can do these activities in any order, but completing the first three sections are recommended; ​Help Me Cope​,​ Thinking Errors​, and ​Fix My Family​. The last section, ​Recovery​, is for those who are struggling with addictive behavior. This book can also be used as a curriculum guide for professionals. It’s adaptable to individuals, groups, and families.
This book is recommended for ages 11 and up and will provide the reader with an understanding of:
• How to cope with difficult people
• How to conquer anger
• Panic attacks and why they happen
• How to handle power struggles
• Family dynamics and how the family can get along
• How to overcome sleep difficulties
• Feelings, Thoughts, and the difference between them
• Addictive behavior and how to determine if you have a problem
and so much more!

You don’t need a mental health diagnosis to benefit from this book. If you do have one, you will learn to control your symptoms instead of your symptoms controlling you.
This Activity Guide provides a wide range of coping, and communication skills designed to help people with all kinds of social problems. Once you use these skills, I am confident that your quality of life will be improved!

The Activity guide for Good Mental Health and Recovery


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